Thursday, October 29, 2009

Masjid Raya Bandung

Masjid Raya Bandung West Java province formerly known as the Great Mosque of Bandung, was completed back in January 13, 2006. Development that includes the rearrangement Square of Bandung, the construction of two basement floors and the garden city and courtyard of the mosque which will be used for cultural arts and Eid prayers and Eid al-Adha. Officially, the physical construction of the mosque, takes time: 829 days or 2 years 99 days, since the first stone laying of February 25, 2001 until the inauguration of Masjid Raya Bandung June 4, 2003 which was inaugurated by the then Governor of West Java: HR Nuriana.



lanang celup said...

wah kok papan nama masjid Agung Bandung nya gak dinampakin sih hehe...

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